Top five reasons to ride a bike
Great bike ideas
It’s no secret, my ulterior motive for this site is to get you all to ride bikes because I’m selfish, and I know that if everyone rode bikes rather than cruising around in misery tanks then we would all be better off. So I present to you my top five reasons to ride bikes and why.
5. It’s good for planet Earth
Well, it might be good for other planets too, but let’s stick to this one for now. This should be the number one reason, but it’s the least persuasive because, let's face it, the planet's been here my entire life, and it's not going anywhere. Bikes are good for the planet because more bikes mean fewer cars, fewer cars mean less pollution, and less pollution means a better environment for the planet where my lungs, skin and hair reside. A healthier planet means a healthier me.
4. It’s good for my health
My doctor agrees with me and she knows many health things. Riding a bike is good exercise where I get to breathe deeply and take in my surroundings every day. Also, see reason number five.
3. It’s a non-drowsy solution to road rage
Driving in Seattle can be the most frustrating experience from bottlenecks at bridges that go up and down to the cluster fuck around freeway entrances, sitting in a car staring at stupid bumper stickers makes me want to scream. While driving in traffic my mood often swings from seething rage to mind-numbing boredom; I can only listen to so many podcasts. Seriously, there is no boredom, rage, texting or sleeping while riding a bike.
2. It’s super fun
It’s so gosh darn fun. Does anyone need any other reason to do something every day other than it’s fun?
1. It’s raining outside
Because when’s the last time you danced in the rain like in that old black and white movie with that white guy singing, what was it called? Also, the rain is moist which is good for my hair and skin; I'm an old woman so I need all of the hydration I can get.
So here's why I ride bikes, why do you ride?